Your San Diego Car Accident Chiropractic Specialist
Is a well renowned innovator In Chiropractic Care. He offers up to date cost-effective corrective and wellness care to every patient he encounters. He ensures safety, responsibility and personable care that patient deserves. His background in health intelligence is above today’s standard benefiting each patient in special and unique way. With extensive knowledge and background in health intelligence is above today’s standard benefiting each patient in a special and unique way. With extensive knowledge and background in the biomechanics and structure and function of the human body, each person is treated with an individualized and specialized treatment plan. You will be amazed with the effort and inspiration he possesses to change your life forever in the utmost positive and healthiest way. Dr. Marc Nelson Licup Matanza, D.C. is self-motived professionally licensed Doctor of Chiropractic seeking to utilize his solid clinical skills, passion to heal, inspire and change people’s lives through Chiropractic in his dynamic influential practice.